A Workshop
If you're interested in exploring this very natural side of you, that we sometimes don't have the time or the confidence to explore, then this could be for you.
The workshop will show you how to connect and access healing, how to apply it, how to protect yourself and your client and more.
If you'd like to discover and develop this skill, come and have some fun among like-minded people.
Learn how to use healing for yourself, loved ones, pets and even your plants.
Learn to calm the ambient mood of a room or an environment, help yourself or a loved one fall asleep, and decrease the stress in your life.
The workshop goes for 3 hours and includes a booklet to take home. Morning tea is provided.
I'm also happy to set up a healing group in your town for ongoing practise after the workshop.
Please note, I am available to present this workshop throughout Western Australia or beyond. If you are interested I'd be happy to hear from you.